The 3 Lucrative Rewards of an Exceptional Emergency Care Experience in Your Practice

customer service emergency patient frontdesk new patient experience new patients patient management protocols triage sheet Apr 20, 2021

The emergency patient is a golden opportunity to create a loyal and productive ambassador for your practice.

The obvious purpose of the true emergency appointment is to meet the immediate need of a patient experiencing pain or trauma by alleviating their suffering.

However, from your practice’s perspective, there is another purpose to the emergency appointment. 

You must deliver an exceptional emergency care experience that is prompt, efficient and caring and which alleviates their pain or suffering in order to earn appreciation,respect and trust. 

The rewards of achieving this can help build your practice in these 3 ways:

  1. Patients who value and appreciate this service are highly likely to become ongoing patients of the practice.
  2. They become an opportunity to complete a comprehensive treatment plan which is highly productive by addressing not only their clinical needs but more importantly, their emotional needs and wants.
  3. An exceptional experience creates ambassadors or raving fans. They will be happy to share their positive experience with you in the form of online reviews and recommendations as well as personal referrals to family and friends - attracting like minded patients.

These are the types of results your practice must be aiming for with every emergency you encounter.

Therefore, the experience you want the patient to have in your practice needs to be designed, implemented and continually refined in order to achieve these objectives.

And this is a coordinated team effort from front desk to the clinical team.

Front Desk Co-ordinator's role here is crucial.  A patient in pain expects to have their problem fixed quickly and with care. A high level of customer service and care is required here to successfully manage this patient. The FDC needs to balance empathy and care for the patient with the needs and protocols of the practice.

The objectives for the FDC is managing the emergency NP are to:

  • Triage the patient and gather necessary information
  • Discover patient expectations, needs and wants
  • Discuss how the practice can help the patient
  • Discuss treatment possibilities and the costs
  • Gain consent to appoint and to payment
  • Answer any questions, overcome objections
  • Convert the caller to an appointment
  • Schedule according to protocols
  • Write detailed and appropriate notes in the patient file
  • Communicate with the clinical team all information and details
  • Complete paperwork such as registration and medical history forms

Is your practice set up for success? Is your Front Desk equipped with the skills to deliver an exceptional experience? Do you use a triage sheet to gather information and assist in scheduling effectively?


Head over to Aspire For Free  for your complimentary copy of Renata's front desk triage sheet.



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